This picture almost hurts to look at. Doesn't it? Makes you cringe and look away. Doesn't it remind you of every pain you ever had. Hidden in your eyes. The ones you don't want to remember. Your heartbreak. Your childhood. Yesterday... The future you are scared of. Yeah it hurts a lot now doesn't it. Because none of that pain is physical. You forgot the time you broke your arm in middle school. You forgot that the bandage on your hand is because you cut your finger slicing an apple. You forgot how much it hurt when you went to get your first tattoo. You forgot the pain of getting a paper cut when you were reading a book. ..
But you broke your arm trying to run from the bullies. You cut your finger remembering your last kiss. You got the tattoo to show your independence. And you got the paper cut because you felt like you deserved it.... Emotional pain turns physical and how you wish it didn't hurt this bad.
Interesting thoughts . . .