Thursday, February 23, 2017


Just imagine if this was you. You looked around and were stunned. You were all of a sudden 17 years old and for a fleeting moment your life from the outside looked ordeal. But that was only for a second. You walked into your room and saw that you were a writer and artist and musician. Papers and photos covered the floor and a mess of clothes your sister had left for you to fold played into the picture of your life.  Your life was fairly good but that didn't mean your parents did not have problems or you and your boyfriend were perfect.  Or that God not always seem present.  But at the end of the day when you looked at the stars you knew that life had at least some good. Your depression had left you for the time being though stress seemed to take its place. Your life was different from what you imagined it would be. Better then you thought. Writing was your way of coping through hard times and then of course talking to friends. Graduating a year early you hoped to go to an art school of some kind and get married,have kids. At the moment though your only fear was of the future..Of what was to come.

What I wrote up there is a summery of my life. The essence of who I am.

This is always my favorite part. Introducing myself and telling everyone who I am. Maybe its just because I feel like a book Character listing everything I know. But as I have come to figure out throwing all the facts about who I am doesn't really get deep inside my heart. It just shows the outside. So I decided to start my blog of a little different this time. I hope you got through the whole thing up there. Yeah it was probably weird to read. Second person is always a little jerking. IT makes you feel so vulnerable. But that's why I like it over first and third. And as you can probably tell  I'm weird in ways like that. I'm a creator though, what can I say. If anything up there was confusing to you then I will confirm I am almost 17 years old and I love being creative. The rest you will learn in time. I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope some of the stuff I write will help with problems or worries you are going through. I am going to be honest with you and say I am not going to hold back on who I really am. Some of the stuff I have to say or write about may seem sad or depression or ugly. That is just who I am sometimes and I use writing to get all the ugly out. I am a Christian and God is helping me with all my problems so hopefully you can see him working through me also.

I hope to write one to two times a week but that schedule may vary. I did start another blog with my friend Bethany a while back so if you would like you should go check out her and our Blog Two God Crazy Girls.

Thanks for reading this! And I am so excited to start writing.



  1. Hi Marci! So excited to hear that you started a blog! I'll most certainly be following. :) If you ever need some help on the technical end of things, I've been blogging for close to 5 years and I should be able to help you out if you want it. If you want to link to our blog, the link is

    And if you want any other blogs to follow, of course there is mine:

    I also have contact with a ton of great bloggers like us and I can tell them about your blog and you can follow theirs if you want to.

    I look forward to reading about your journey with Christ! If you ever want someone to talk to, I'm here! God bless.

  2. Thank you so much Bethany! That is so greatly appreciated!

    1. Of course! I was wondering, in your blogger settings could you add my email address to where it will send emails whenever you post? Or could you add the follow by email gadget to your sidebar? Thanks!
