Sunday, October 28, 2018


i ache for words that will break my heart

because if the knife is already plundged
into me then why not let yourself feel the pain

if we were made to love and hate then empty threats mean nothing

i skake with anger because I want to forget
but all i do is remember


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Loose Change

I'm sitting all alone right next to you

Questioning if my thoughts are just like loose change

Not even enough to think twice about
Yet rattling as to always remind you

A penny for my thoughts is meaningless

Making me wonder if my mind means anything to the world

If they mean nothing to you


Tuesday, October 2, 2018


I'm homesick for a person not a place

Not a time on a clock but a face

He who is infatuated with me while our hearts race

My mind rains tears and my heart has slowed to a steady pace

I feel empty without him like a Vacant Flower vase

The memory of him leaving and returning with his green suitcase

If you drew my blood in every vein you would find his trace

I'm homesick for a person not a place

And all my lips long for is his taste
