Monday, January 29, 2018

What if

What if you born into a world that never lied
What if you born into a world that searched endlessly for the truth
What if this world had confused those things
And what if you were sent to untangle those two

Monday, January 22, 2018


I wish I lived in a movie
Where I knew the plot would end
I would be able to choose my story
And no one would no who I really am

I wish I could find my prince charming 
and live happily ever after
where I hold a script telling me what to say
always knowing what to expect in the next chapter 

I would not be scared of anything
all my fears would be behind makeup
But Instead I live in the real world
And thinking about it now I could only
                   cut ....


Monday, January 8, 2018


little girl I wish you knew,
there was more to life
then falling back on the things
that hurt you
